Hospitality Guru Kingdom Thenga Showcases New Brand As He Reflects On The Journey To Get Here

Owner of The Suburbs, The Yard & Old Dukes – Kingdom Thenga has, along with many others in the hospitality industry faced a rather turbulent 12 months. The gruelling national lockdowns have ensured all hospitality venues close apart from takeaway meaning a huge decline in footfall and income.
However, never one to shy away from a challenge, Kingdom remained positive and turned his passion of the food & beverage industry into a brand-new business – launching his first own brand spirit – Kingdom’s Gin; under the new umbrella Kingdom Recommends.
Kingdom’s gin is currently available in flavours including –Winter Nutmeg & Orange, Ginger Spiced & The Original London Dry – with many more on the way. All flavours reflect a significant time in his life making the collection all the more personal.
Kingdom Thenga, Founder of Kingdoms Gin & Kingdom Recommends
Kingdom stated –
For those who know me, you will know how very passionate about the hospitality industry I am. It was always a dream to be able to have our own brand of sipping gins and whiskies etc. The products that we have created are long lasting, enjoyable & smoothe; something that is worthy of the back bar. This was never just solely about the product through – I wanted to use my experience throughout the last twenty years & turn it into something positive.
My journey has been tough – very tough at times. At the beginning of my journey I was homeless in London with nowhere to go until someone gave me a hand, advice & made me believe there was a light at the end of the tunnel. If not for the kindness of that man, I don’t know where I would have been. The last twenty years has been a lot of learning, trying to understand one’s self, and fighting all the way through with the spirit of “Ubuntu” – I am because we are always at the forefront of my mind.
If the last 12 months has taught us anything, it’s that the spirit of Ubuntu and togetherness is the only way we push forward post Covid. We need to help each other & provide support for those who need it most.
Kingdoms Gin is available online via –
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